Working with Dictation

To enter the Dictation mode, simply say: Start Dictation.
When you are done, say: Stop Dictation.
To see a list of the commands below, say: Show Commands.

Dictation Commands

The corresponding dictation commands are:

Start Dictation
Stop Dictation
Train Word
Show Commands

Delete that Phrase
Delete that Text
Delete Last Phrase
Delete Last Text
Strike that Phrase
Delete Last Word
Edit Copy
Edit Paste
New Line     (inserts a line)
Next Line     (inserts a line)
New Paragraph  (inserts 2 lines)
Next Paragraph  (inserts 2 lines)
Select All
Delete Key
Backspace Key

Beginning of Document
Beginning of Line
End of Document
End of Line

Using the Keyboard with Dictation

You can also program a key on the keyboard to activate/toggle the dictation mode. The use of a key in this manner can allow you to quickly change from command to dictation mode and back without having to issue a verbal command.

Activating Dictation using your Voice

You can also program voice commands to activate/toggle the dictation mode. You can assign a command phrase as well as the computer's audible response for both the 'starting' and 'stopping' of dictation.

Help. The computer isn't typing the right word.

You can train the computer to recognize the sounds of individual words. When in Dictation mode, say: Train Word. A Microsoft SAPI dialog will appear allowing you to add/edit words in your user Lexicon (i.e., the database that stores individual words and sounds). After you type the word in the box, press the "Record Pronounciation" button and say the word. You may have to repeat this step several times while the computer records different samples of the way the word sounds. Once it has been accepted by the computer, the word will be added to the list below indicating that it is in your Lexicon.

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